Complete remission : the lesion disappears completely . 2 1完全缓解:病灶完全消失。
Indeed , only about 10 % of lung cancer patients respond to the drug at all , and of those , only a handful have experienced complete remission as schnur has 的确,仅有10 %的肺癌病人对此药有反应,而只有十几个人出现完全的缓解。
We treated her tracheal tumors based on the previous lymphoma history , without tissue proof , and she reached complete remission 由于病人拒绝气管黏膜切片检查,故施予相同于治疗胃淋巴瘤之化疗处方后再次以支气管镜追踪,令人兴奋的观察到气管肿瘤完全缓解… 。
After treatment , 5 patients achieved complete remission : among with , one died of chemotherapy complication , one died of intercurrent disease , one had distant metastasis , and only 2 patients remained disease free 治疗后, 5位病患的肿瘤完全缓解,尔后其中1位死于化疗之副作用, 1位死于其他疾病, 1位转移,只有2位至今无疾病复发迹象。